Railway Jobs 2019: Multiple Group C Vacancies Announced, Apply Now
Continuing its recruitment drive, the Central Railways has released a notification to fill up vacancies in various Gr. C cadres. Interested and eligible candidates are advised to submit applications on or before June 28, 2019.
Scroll down for details of the recruitment..
Vacancy Details: Senior Section Officer: 5 posts, Senior TIA: 3 posts, ASV: 2 posts
Age Limit: The maximum upper age limit for the re-engagement of staff is 65 years. No re-engaged employee should continue in service beyond 65 years of age.
Applications are invited from retired staff of accounts department who have retired from railway service for recruitment in headquarters Accounts Offices. The Scheme is valid up to December 1, 2019.
Note: The administration is at liberty to terminate the services of the re-engaged employees even before December 1, 2019 in case their work or conduct is found unsatisfactory.
The remuneration for re-engaged staff fixed as monthly remuneration is determined by reducing pension from his/her last pay drawn (i.e. Basic+ DA). The re-engaged employees are entitled for daily allowance as per railway norms.
How to Apply: The last date for submission of the application is June 28, 2019. Staff retired from Railways desirous for re-engagement, have to submit their applications in the prescribed format at Annexure ‘A’ of the form and submit to HQ Admn Section of PFA’s Office, Mumbai CSMT on or before June 28, 2019.